When you are at work it is difficult not to have a snack, especially when all your colleagues around you keep on snacking. It is recommended to have 3-5 meals a day and therefore it is good to have a snack. You use your energy through the day and usually between 4 or 5 pm you fancy something sweet. Let’s have a closer look at why everyone has that 4pm chocolate biscuit moment?
The answer is very simple, when you have used your energy (carbohydrates) you need a top up to carry on and this is OK. What you can do is to choose a better energy source than a biscuit or crisps. You can choose a healthy snack. It’s like choosing a dress, you know what you like and what fits you best. Give yourself a treat and find your healthy snack which suits you best. We have prepared a few healthy snack ideas to help you go through the day and keep those calories low!
High fibre snacks are snacks containing carbohydrates high in fibre which will keep you fuller for longer. Fit Indeed recommends these snacks to help you reduce cravings and calorie intake. Try these healthy snack ideas:
– Apple and peanut butter – halve an apple and spread peanut butter over,
– Mix of seeds and nuts with natural yoghurt,
– Ryvita Crispbread (Multigrain or Fruit Crunch recommended) – spread low sugar jam or light soft cheese over.
If you crave something sweet, we have prepared a few healthy sweet snack ideas for you. These healthy snacks should also keep you full. If you still feel peckish, have a few nuts or some seeds to fill you up.
– Grapes
– Bananas
– Low fat rice cake with low sugar jam
– Dried Fruit
Low GI snacks are snacks with GI index below 55. These snacks are slowly absorbed and will also release energy slowly without affecting blood sugar levels. See a few low GI healthy snack ideas below.
– Pepper and hummus or baby tomatoes and hummus – cut pepper (no need to cut baby tomatoes) and dip in hummus,
– Apples,
– Chocolate milk from natural cocoa powder (sweeten with coconut palm sugar).
We suggest doing the shopping on Monday morning for the whole week so that you are organised!
If you are very busy and do not have time the above healthy snacks ideas we also have something for you. Imagine someone have already done the work for you? We have a number of the healthiest quick snacks: mix berries, almonds, walnuts, spicy chickpeas, soya & cranberry, apple chips, corn cakes and many more. They are natural, high in fibre and low in sugar. You can choose from super skinny, gluten/diary free, vegetarian or vegan. Order on-line by clicking on the link below. Always keep a couple of these quick snacks in your bag. Switch to healthy snacks today and let us know your favourite one in the comments below!